Well...at least I hope this is a new beginning. A sheet of watercolor paper, a palette & my favorite squirrel hair brush sounds like a good place to start, right?
But after the holidays, life's interruptions & not a single piece of new artwork in months, how do I turn a blank page into something visually interesting?
I have plenty of inspiring ideas. So, why do my hands feel like they're in a remedial learning class?
I'm also learning to use Instagram, hashtags, google analytics, considering a couple of new art opportunities for 2025 & evaluating where my art meets my faith. Hopefully, by my next post, this blank page will be filled with color and meaning.
Quote ~
"It is impossible to make a clear cut between science, religion, and art. The whole is never equal to the sum of it's various parts."
~ Max Planck
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Hang in there!
Kathy! You are an amazing and creative artist! I totally understand how "life" can get in front of our creativity. I've been in the same boat lately! I'd better get busy!
Hey Kathie,
I've been there myself. Just start with something simple. A thumbnail sketch or a loose line & wash. Once you get moving again, you'll be well on your way to bigger projects. By the way, your greeting cards are great!