New Year...New Beginnings

Published on 7 February 2025 at 15:32 least I hope this is a new beginning. A sheet of watercolor paper, a palette & my favorite squirrel hair brush sounds like a good place to start, right?

    But after the holidays, life's interruptions & not a single piece of new artwork in months,                          how do I turn a blank page into something visually interesting?

I have plenty of inspiring ideas. So, why do my hands feel like they're in a remedial learning class?

I'm also learning to use Instagram, hashtags, google analytics, considering a couple of new art opportunities for 2025  &  evaluating where my art meets my faith. Hopefully, by my next post, this blank page will be filled with color and meaning.

Quote ~

"It is impossible to make a clear cut between science, religion, and art. The whole is never equal to the sum of it's various parts."

~ Max Planck

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a month ago

Hang in there!

a month ago

Kathy! You are an amazing and creative artist! I totally understand how "life" can get in front of our creativity. I've been in the same boat lately! I'd better get busy!

Samuel Thornton
a month ago

Hey Kathie,
I've been there myself. Just start with something simple. A thumbnail sketch or a loose line & wash. Once you get moving again, you'll be well on your way to bigger projects. By the way, your greeting cards are great!